“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”-Thomas Edison

I don’t know if we are as far as Thomas Edison would hope by 2022, but there are so many more functional medicine doctors, nurse practitioners, chiros, Physical Therapists, nutritionists and personal trainers who are helping people heal their bodies through movement, managing stress and eating better.
This is my passion and one of the reasons I started my own business. I want to help people get out of pain, but (almost) more importantly I want to help people live healthier lives.
I’d say there’s still a long way to go in our Western society, but remember that the choices you make today can PREVENT major illnesses or diseases down the road…
Every fruit Every vegetable Every step Every deep breathe Every exercise Every vitamin Every hour of sleep
Long-term HEALTH isn’t the easy road, but absolutely worth it if you ask any older adult. Now that I'm in my 30's, I make healthy choices for my future self. I want to be strong, independent and capable long into my 80's and 90's. I also think about how my choices can impact how I show up for my clients, family and my self. I enjoy eating healthy food so I can feel better and perform my job better.
Choosing to make healthy choices is about intention, habit, and discipline. It takes time to change and it takes time to let these habits become second nature. If you are someone who needs accountability, direction or guidance...I'm here to help. I offer health coaching for select individuals. Contact me today by email (drcaitlin@engagepttn.com) or phone (615-982-4062).